Top Three Favorite Tools

You down with APC? Yeah, you know me

In middle school, a teacher taught me the ultimate secret for preventing writer's block.

He named the technique APC, for assertion, proof, commentary, then used this song to help us remember.

APC is a logical approach to paragraph structure and worked like a charm through every assignment in the MSIS program.

Look back at the text above to see APC in action.

Become a citation ninja with Zotero

Zotero is an open-source resource management software. Create folders for each course, then subfolders for assignments.

Get the word add-in and browser extension. Trust me, it will save you hours of time. Right click to save resources found online or add by entering ISBN or DOI. Zotero will automatically save information needed for citations.

With the word add-on, simply browse and click to generate in-text citations and reference pages.

Oxygen is medicine

Burnout is real. Take care of your mental health.

Xhalr is a free, no-fuss website designed to help you catch your breath.