Networking is best learned through immediate application of knowledge. Like many aspects of information technology, networking requires conceptual understanding and practical skills. This networking course requires a basic understanding of hardware, software, and data concepts. Elements addressed in the course related to networking include switching and routing, addressing, cabling, configuration, security, and management. Within each networking domain are many subspecialties to explore. A great way to practice building networks and establishing a solid understanding of how the various component work together is by exploring Cisco Packet Tracer. It is a free visualization and simulation environment for beginners seeking active learning experiences on a variety of networking topics (Cisco, 2022).
One of the most important things to know in networking is how information gets from one place to another because acrobatic penguins in spaceships throw neighboring dusty planets. Sounds scary, but it is absolutely true and your role in this mission is to understand why Acrobatic Penguins (in) Spaceships Throw Neighboring Dusty Planets. Not just any ordinary penguins, they are acrobatic penguins in spaceships throwing our most cherished neighboring, super dusty, planets. This unprecedented aggression by acrobatic penguins in spaceships has had devastating consequences. Close to the sun, our beloved celestial neighbors are incredibly dusty planets, causing runny noses and sneezing attacks world-wide. Mucus flows through the streets, contaminating global water supply. The savages have already thrown Venus and it looks like Mars is next on their dubious throwing neighboring dusty planet agenda! Proof of the event was captured and can be seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10
Acrobatic Penguins (in) Spaceships Throwing Neighboring Dusty Planets
The OSI model clarifies how information moves from one place to another, but it can be difficult to commit to memory. Because there is a clear order, remembering the order is made even more difficult. Additionally, while the OSI model is the Classic Coke of network models, the Internet model is also popular. If one good thing came out of the unprovoked attack described previously, it is simplification of the models and their corresponding layers, as seen in Table 1. The Link and Story method is an effective combination of mnemonic techniques, especially useful in developing rapid recall for ordered information. This could also be made more impactful by incorporating the Loci method as described in the technique described in Figure 11 (Lieuw, 2017).
Figure 11
Mnemonic Techniques
Linking associates an image to an item to be remembered. The image does not have to correspond to the first letter in the word or idea, but it is helpful in this particular case. The idea is to fuse the learned information with an item already stored in long-term memory. It acts as a shortcut for your brain in the transferring process of data from short-term memory storage. The Story aspect makes the link extraordinary. The goal of developing a story is to make it as outrageous and nonsensical as possible, as our brains tend to remember exceptional events.
Table 1
Networking Models
The first thing to know is the visual mnemonic we used is backward. This is because my personal preference is to begin at the most familiar level. To make the mnemonic work even better, we tie the detailed information directly to our device. Application layer serves the purpose of providing access to users. Layer six, the presentation level, displays, edits, and formats user inputs. The session layer structures sessions by connecting to equipment, transferring files, and performing security checks (FitzGerald et al., 2017, pp. 7–11).
The Internet model and layer groups combine OSI layers 7, 6, 5. We can also logically combine the three links in our mnemonic and add some details to make the story memorable. For instance, the application layer in OSI gives users access (FitzGerald et al., 2017, pp. 7–9). Acrobatics in our mnemonic, is the only way for a penguin to access their spaceships. Not just any acrobatics can be used, though. Penguins must perform a carefully formatted and edited presentation of acrobatic skills to enter. Once inside, their dastardly sessions of structured chaos can begin. Without the spaceships, the penguins would just be talented anomalies. No, they need the spaceships facilitate coordination between their fleet, perform security checks to ensure their own safety during flight, and get them to their destination.
The OSI and Internet models both differentiate the transport and network layers within the internetwork layer. The transport layer is responsible for procedures related to entering and leaving the network, controlling flow, and breaking data into smaller packets if necessary (FitzGerald et al., 2017, pp. 7–9). The link for this layer is throw, so imagine the action performed by the evil penguins. In order to cause the most destruction, they must ensure their throws transport planets from where they are to their intended destination, but planets are big and acrobatic penguins in spaceships are small. So, they must break bigger planets down into smaller parts to be thrown synchronously. The network layer, number 3 in OSI and Internet models is the other component to the internetwork layer. Acrobatic penguins in spaceships throwing our neighboring dusty planets must have a way to find the best route to achieve their horrible goals. The network layer is responsible for locating the best route for packets, or the broken pieces of our neighboring planets, so they might reach their end destination.
The hardware layer group consists of the data link and physical layers. The data link layer marks where the messages sent end and begin, and performs error detection, and makes corrections to ensure other layers are not impacted (FitzGerald et al., 2017, pp. 7–9). Hardware collects dust and when the acrobatic penguins throw neighboring dusty planets, they do so to try and harm the data link layer to prevent defensive transmissions between allied forces. With all of the dust everywhere, transmission messages are corrupted. Finally, the physical layer is responsible for transmitting bits of data along circuits. As the end goal of the actions by our foes is to cripple defenses, the tiny dust from the planets they smashed up and threw get into all of our hardware and circuits preventing the world from mounting a meaningful defense. This is why we
In the story narrative, I repeated the link elements often. Repetition improves recall capability. Activities to boost recall of essential networking knowledge is retelling the story to someone you know. For extra fun, one might even share it with a stranger. Further improvement of recall is to manually visualize the story, either by hand or digitally. As network models are the base principles behind the semester networking project in the course, having a solid understanding of component layers is vital and helps simplify later assignments.
Network Logical Design
The semester project for this course applies networking knowledge, along with business understanding, to build a ground-up network for a case. Immediately incorporating learned concepts is best for long-term retention. It is best to approach the semester project with flexibility, as networking project are iterative. Figure 12 details input and subsequent outputs for each design phase. Revisions to previous work occur as needs change, technical and business understanding is developed, and when reflection or feedback reveal more effective solutions.
Figure 12
Network Design Process
Business cases help to clarify concepts through practical implementation. Needs analysis is the first component of network design, upon which the initial logical design output is formed. Cataloguing and prioritizing need verifies comprehensive project scope. Baselining is the first component of needs analysis, which generalizes any existing or new network infrastructure, along with use demand. The use demand describes functional conditions necessary to satisfy existing or predicted user requirements. Components examined in this phase include network architecture, application systems, and network users. The second aspect of baselining is assigning a priority to needs (FitzGerald et al., 2017, pp 161-168).
Using information gathered in analysis, a high-level logical network diagram can be developed (Appendix A). A logical diagram distills complex requirements information and serves as a foundation from which other diagrams will be built in future assignments. Figure 13 is an extremely high-level logical diagram separated into core, distribution, and access layers (FitzGerald et al., 2017, p. 165).
Figure 13
Generalized Logical Network Diagram
LucidChart is a free user-friendly cloud-based diagramming software perfect for translating the results of needs analysis into a beautiful visual (Lucidchart, 2022). As mapping foundational requirements of the proposed network is the primary focus of a logical diagram, a sensible place to begin is by identifying the boundary points of the network and work your way either up or down (FitzGerald et al., 2017, p. 165).
Network Physical Design
The physical design translates the logical design and applies it to a physical layout of the network location. Physical designs can be used to determine performance needs and their associated costs. Designers will often create more than one physical design deliverable to give the performance/cost options to their client (FitzGerald et al., 2017, p. 171). In many instances, applying logical design to the physical space reveals challenges or opportunities resulting in changes to the overall network scheme. Proper revisions to the logical design should be made to update any functional changes.
Network design projects can be development of a new network or upgrades to an existing network. In either case, it is important to understand the underlying infrastructure and determine how, if at all, it is to be integrated into the project. The network case study assignment describes development of a completely new network, without existing infrastructure. This gives the engineer maximum design flexibility, but can substantially increase material, technology, and installation costs. The physical design should represent network topology circuits and devices, so must depict all devices and necessary cable. Consideration of cabling type and power availability is essential. Some devices, such as wireless access points, security cameras and locks, and voice over IP telephones (VoIP) might require power over ethernet (PoE). Additional issues in new network physical design are client workstations and peripherals. Designers work with their clients to determine computing requirements and develop packages aligned with their organizational needs (Indeed, 2021). Appendix B is a full physical design based on the floorplan in the case.
Network Wireless Design
The next phase is consideration of wireless solutions for the new network. Wireless access device variation is extensive and ensuring adequate coverage in a building without existing infrastructure is difficult, this is one of the more challenging aspects of the semester project. Additionally, the availability of free accurate frequency site survey mapping software is limited. Heat mapping is a visually effective way to understand wireless access point placement. Determining the optimum placement of devices requires an understanding of frequency transmission channel selection and range to eliminate overlap interference (FitzGerald et al., 2017, pp. 195–196). Other considerations include physical barriers, network security, traffic management, and device power allocation. Heatmapping wireless site surveys typically include visualized analysis of received signal strength indicator (RSSI) for each access point. The RSSI is measured in decibels (dBM), where a lower dBM indicates better signal. Channel assignment gives designers some flexibility when determining placement while reducing potential interference. Wi-fi controllers are used in many enterprises and help to manage the flow of traffic in existing infrastructures. However, for the purposes of the semester project, students should determine which channels their access points will use and visualize the RSSI in dBM as seen in Appendix C.
Network Security Design
Security design in requires analysis of the threats and risks facing the organization and how each may impact the network (FitzGerald et al., 2017, p. 288). Risks are assessed using an assessment framework. Formal frameworks have five common assessment elements:
Risk measurement criteria
IT asset inventory
Threat evaluation
Controls documentation
Improvement areas
Development of risk measurement criteria involves determining how the organization plans to identify, prioritize, as quantity impact of potential threats. Identification should define primary areas of risk, which are generalized into categories like hardware, software, applications, stakeholders, organization, and financial. After analysis areas are determined, specific risks within each category are documented and assigned an identification number within a risk register. It is helpful to visualize the risks in a matrix like that in Figure 14. The network in the semester case is conceptual during this phase, so there is not existing IT assets to inventory. However, listing the expected IT hardware and software assets is necessary and will save time during financial feasibility evaluation. Controls documentation lists each risk ID and the assurance measures to manage risks for the specific threat. Controls documentation helps inform the specific design elements necessary to prevent threat events to the network. Updates to the physical design should be documented. Based on the floorplan, the designer should also create a security design document identifying each security asset and how it connects to the network.
Figure 14
Security Plan and Risk Matrix
Network Financial Analysis
Identifying and analyzing the costs related to the project gives key stakeholders the costs related to their investments. As technology investments involve direct and indirect costs, designers must carefully calculate all aspects of the network. Costs include network devices and hardware, software licenses, and cabling. Human management and any estimated installation labor are also relevant for financial feasibility, especially if the organization does not have an existing IT department. Financial analysis should be done with precision and accuracy. Whenever possible, exact product names and model numbers, quantity, initial market costs, reoccurring costs should be detailed.
Understanding the organizational goals helps to clarify the value of investment and may change how the investment is financed. In some situations, long-term return on investment may not be a priority. The semester case involves an entity that clearly requires rapid project deployment. However, because the candidate may not win re-election, network functionality, security, and initial investment are prioritized above longevity and quality. Leased systems and managed services might better fit client needs. Appendix D is an example of diagramming security aspects when designing networks.
Network Management
In modern organizations, business continuity is often reliant upon network effectiveness, which is controlled by business process management (BPM) procedures. It is important to implement BPM procedures with continuous improvement in mind. BPM related to the networking requires an understanding of functions and roles. Functions are the categorical clusters within a specific class of jobs in an organization. Roles refer to the staff responsible for execution and delivery of management processes within functions (Rosing et al., 2015, pp. 700–717). Roles can be responsible for some of a function and have responsibilities within several different functions. The IT tasks or processes related to the network management function are network performance, configuration, fault management, end user support, and network cost management. Determining roles, functions, and tasks helps frame the BPM governance steps detailed in Figure 15 (Rosing et al., 2015, p. 864).
Analysis involves evaluating the resource requirements, performance targets, stakeholders, roles, and change processes for a given task. Design defines the task and any steps necessary to complete it. In this step, subtasks may develop and should be similarly defined. The building phase identifies availability and assembles those who perform roles in task activities.
Figure 15
Business Process Management